On the One Son Policy
The main idea: having sons to be subject to a transferable permit system. 0. Posts on this blog are ranked in decreasing order of likeability to myself. This entry was originally posted on 05.07.2023, and the current version may have been updated several times from its original form. 1 The Audience 1.1 There are those who lay the blame for much of what is wrong in this world at the feet of men. 1.2 There are those who find much fault with the excess of power women may wield over men nowadays. 1.3 There are those who worry seriously about overpopulation. 1.4 There are those who agonise over the dysgenic tendencies of the modern world. 1.5 There are those who think a population is only as large as the number of fertile-age women it has. 1.6 There are those who think every achievement worth mentioning can only be expected from men. 1.7 There are those who’d applaud every scheme by which those better off are made to pay those less fortunate. 1.8 There are those who ...