On quasi-bailing out Too Big To Fail, and doing it contra Bagehot
The main idea: bailouts that make creditors whole but wipe shareholders and the firm itself are a great improvement over the current practice. 0. Posts on this blog are ranked in decreasing order of likeability to myself. This entry was originally posted on 03.01.2022, and the current version may have been updated several times from its original form. 1.1 When it comes to entities alleged to be “too big to fail” which are nevertheless teetering on the edge of failure, you usually get two options: let them go, or bail them out. But there is a third beyond the two that have been known since Lombard Street. 1.2 OK, say you buy that these are too big to fail. What does the treasury or central bank do whilst still limiting moral hazard and not completely breaking market discipline? 1.3 Step one. Order a stop to all sales or any other activity except as required to service liabilities already incurred. This involves letting go of all staff not required to service these. All ex