On efficiently implementing corporatism
The main idea: a corporatist system where only corporations of a certain minimal market cap would be allowed to operate any economic activity at all would be a great improvement over straight socialism. 0. Posts on this blog are ranked in decreasing order of likeability to myself. This entry was originally posted on 26.09.2022, and the current version may have been updated several times from its original form. 1 The system 1.1 The efficient implementation of a truly corporatist economic system requires publicly-listed firms acting as clearinghouses of their own shares, as discussed previously . 1.2 Now that one’s market cap is an actionable datum, you can put all the weight of the world on it. Only firms of at least X value are allowed to operate and serve the market. The X would be such as to allow the operation of no more than a couple dozen firms in the whole country. The end. 1.3 X would be enforced by establishing the appropriate lower limit to the price the firm ...