In proper chronological order
to be written down at some point: on a blockchain-less cryptocurrency; on credit socialism; on a compendium of market socialism mechanisms, on a compendium of monetary rules, on moral deserts.
20250203_On a blockchain of nearly immediate finality (1200 words ,include all conflicting transactions in a block and check competing blockchains for mutual domination to achieve near immediate transactions finality)
20250122_[RETRACTED] On an emergent block time
20250122_On miscellaneous lesser ideas
20250121_On the poor man's NGDP targeting regime (700 words, issue, sell and buy unlimited quantities of consols whilst sterilising all net resulting inflows and outflows for a bare-bones automatic NGDP targeting regime)
20250108_On a less decentralised Proof of Stake setup (500 words, set the chance of being selected as a validator proportional to the square root of one’s stake, but allow reward to remain proportional to the stake itself)
20241210_On an at least less deflating cryptocurrency (400 words, make the reward for mining each new block an inverse function of the block number in the chain)
20240209_On an alternative prediction scoring rule (200 words, allocate a prediction pool based on the product of the probability and sum contributed)
20231009_On an alternative measure of the need for money (300 words, the volume of play involved in a fair lottery is indicative of either too much or too little money in circulation)
20230705_On semi-useful retrodiction (200 words, knowledgeable parties on the probability of past events within basic logical rules)
20230705_On the One Son policy (300 words, having sons to be subject to a transferable permit system)
20230526_On the simplest acceptable justice system (1300 words, combine juries and Russian Roulette to get the most bang for the buck in terms of a justice system)
20230503_On a simple military force planning model (300 words, graph total military personnel and per-personnel expense, and arrange your forces perpendicular to where your adversary graphs)
20230413_On improving taxation by self-assessment (500 words, tell people what their house is worth, and tax that value, but also offer to buy at that price)
20230116_On a civilised population exchange (600 words, updating the otherwise fine practice of population exchanges beyond the need for pointy sticks to drive people out of houses in the middle of winter)
20221211_On democracy 2.0 (500 words, various amendments to the democratic procedure that may be of interest)
20221202_On the poor man's futarchy (600 words, conditional consols are a cheap and easy way to implement futarchy today)
20221127_On the private provision of public goods (1500 words, allowing the private provision of some public services by peculiarities in contract design)
20220906_On efficiently implementing corporatism (1000 words, a corporatist system where only corporations of a certain minimal market cap would be allowed to operate any economic activity at all would be a great improvement over straight socialism)
20220922_On a proportional Westminster system (300 words, proportional Westminster government by way of either parallel voting or random ballot)
20220920_On fair dueling standards (400 words, proposing a duel of Russian Roulette as an improvement over the historical version that presents more balanced trade-offs to the participants)
20220727_On the smallest feasible political unit [fluff piece] (1800 words, the impact on externalities on driving up the optimal size of property / political units)
20220706_On the perfect asset class for open market operations (600 words, a Central Bank limiting open market operations to the acquisition and issuance of its own shares would suffer few of the issues that plague the current alternatives)
20220618_On a share market of most liquidity and least mispricing (1800 words, require all listed firms to act as their own shares’ clearinghouses, considerably narrowing the gap between market cap and book value)
20220525_On perpetual insurance (600 words, proposing an insurance schedule whereby one premium is paid and cover continues indefinitely until a claim is made as a way to help with products afflicted by moral hazard)
20220510_On merging the UBI and VAT schemes (400 words, a VAT-financed UBI scheme allows for the market to pick those in need as well as those who can afford to pay.)
20220501_On aligning agents and insurers (700 words, pay agent commissions in a temporary staggered fashion that allows for claims to materialise and capture some of the agent’s underwriting intuition)
20220425_On milking the HLvM model [fluff piece] (1600 words, the Left gravitates towards a Corporatist and then Socialist Oligarchy, as the Right does towards an Interventionist Autocracy run by a strong man)
20220406_On efficiently taxing foreign residents (500 words, taxing the self-declared value of a set number of tradable residency permits is the most efficient way to implement income taxes on foreign residents)
20220124_On rank-ordering very complex datasets (800 words, the concept of the efficient frontier can be generalized such as to allow the rank-ordering of extremely complex datasets based on a large set of mutually contradicting criteria)
20220103_On quasi-bailing out Too Big To Fail, and doing it contra Bagehot (900 words, bailouts that make creditors whole but wipe shareholders and the firm itself are a great improvement over the current practice)
20211209_On explaining links between monetary policy and interest rates [fluff piece] (2100 words, modeling an inclined plane whose angle is the interest rate and whose starting and ending points are monetary circulation volumes now and in the future explains a slew of otherwise peculiar relationships between interest rates and monetary policy)
20211203_On a general theory of STV applicability, the Uber Open List (1600 words, STV needs to be amended into the Uber Open List when applied to factionalised party settings)
20211121_On a credible alternative to liberal democracy (1800 words, Fred Gohlke’s idea of iteratively setting up groups of 3 people who vote on each-other’s progression to ever-higher tiers presents the only credible alternative to liberal democracy)
20211104_On better measuring gains in the standard of living (900 words, the area under an assumed linear demand curve is a far better approximation of utility gains than current GDP accounting practices)
20211027_On removing abnormal claims from reserving triangles (600 words, iteratively replacing the highest deviating cell in a reserving triangle with the expected result for that cell removes without ignoring abnormally large claims)
20211017_On removing outliers (400 words, iteratively replacing the datapoint most distant from the expected by the latter allows a model to account for outliers without ignoring them)
20211016_On enforcing fiscal responsibility through fully-amortized loans (600 words, switching government (or at least regional) borrowing to fully amortized schedules only would greatly limit the propensity to acquire leverage beyond reason)
20211006_On tail estimation in triangle-based reserving (200 words, applying autoregression of development factors to estimate the tail)
20210903_On a cryptocurrency of dynamic supply (2800 words, two joint cryptocurrencies are programmed such that one can be exchanged for the other as long as their product remains constant, thus tracking the minimal necessary volume of circulation required by a growing economy in a decentralized fashion)
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